Field Nitrogen Balances for Corn Silage

October 30, 2023

A field nutrient balance is an end-of-season evaluation tool defined as the difference between nutrients accessible for crop uptake (nutrient supply), and nutrients removed with forage harvest (nutrient uptake). A large positive balance (excess) signals inefficient use of inputs (including fertilizer and manure), elevated risk of nutrient loss to the environment and/or accumulation in soil over time. Tracking field balances, especially for nitrogen (Figure 1) can help inform if a change in field nutrient management can be considered without negatively impacting crop yield or quality. This factsheet explains the steps involved in deriving field nitrogen (N) balances for corn silage.

Available versus total N balances
The way manure is managed (application method and timing) impacts the amount of plant-available N we can expect from a specific manure application. More informed decisions can be made when both the total amount of N and N availability are evaluated. Thus, it is important to derive two types of field N balances: (1) available N balance; and (2) total N balance. The total N balance of a given crop year considers the total amount of N applied with manure, independent of timing (e.g. fall or spring) or method of application (surface applied versus incorporated or injected). The available N balance takes into account only the portion of N in the manure that is considered plant available in the year for which the balance is derived (Figure 2).

Determining N balances
There are three main steps in determining total and available N balances for a corn silage field.

Step 1: Estimate N uptake per acre

Corn varieties can differ in the amount of N per ton of silage. If reliable forage sample results are available for the field, use the crude protein content listed on the forage report and the following equation to derive the amount of N (lbs N) in a ton of silage (at 35% dry matter):

N per ton=(%CP/100/6.25)*2000*0.35

If field specific data are not available, assume 8.6 lbs N/ton of corn silage (at 35% DM) for short-season hybrids (≤95 days-tomaturity [DTM]) and 8.2 lbs N/ton of corn silage (35% DM) for long-season hybrids (≥96 DTM). If hybrid relative maturity information is not
available, an average of 8.4 lbs N/ton of corn silage (35% DM) can be used.

Once the total amount of N per ton of silage is determined, multiply this number and the yield per acre (also at 35% DM) to obtain N
uptake per acre for the field.

N uptake per acre=yield (ton/acre)*N/ton

Step 2: Estimate N supply

To determine N supply, sum the contributions of the following N sources.

Soil organic matter can supply 40 to 80 lbs of N/acre annually. The soil's N supplying capacity (Nsoil in lbs N/acre) is a function of soil type and tile drainage. Estimates of soil N supply can be found in Appendix Table 2 of the Nitrogen Guidelines for Field Crops in New York.

Alfalfa, grass, and mixed alfalfa/grass stands will release N into the soil once they are terminated prior to seeding of corn. The amount
of N expected from a terminated sod varies depending on the percentage of legume in the stand and the number of years that have passed since termination of the stand (Table 1).

Corn that follows soybean in a rotation will require less external N than continuous corn. A representative estimate of soybean N credits for corn for N balance assessments is 30 lbs N/acre.

Cover crops can also supply N to the crop that follows. The amount of biomass, its N content, and its C:N ratio (maturity) can greatly
influence N dynamics in the soil after termination. A representative estimate of cover crop N credits for corn for use in field N balances
is 30 lbs N/acre. This assumes spring termination of a fall-planted, timely seeded, overwintering cereal grain cover crop such as cereal rye, winter wheat, or triticale.

NManureInorganic, NManureOrganic, NResidualManure
When estimating N supply for total N balances, total organic and inorganic N contributions from manure can be determined by multiplying fieldlevel manure application rates with total N content as listed on the manure analysis. For available N balances, N contributions need to consider when and how manure was applied using Tables 2 and 3. Residual N credits are derived from Table 2 as well. 

Nitrogen contributions from fertilizer are determined by multiplying the application rate and the N content of the material.

Step 3: Estimate available and total N balances
The final field N balances are derived by subtracting N uptake from N supply.

In Summary
Field N balances are end-of-season evaluations to help optimize field N management. Deriving field balances requires assessment of N supply and N uptake using easily obtainable records.

Additional Resources
• Cornell NMSP Agronomy Fact Sheet Series.

Field Nitrogen Balances for Corn Silage (pdf; 178KB)

Field Crops

Field Crops









Upcoming Events

Cover Crop Breeding Field Walk

May 1, 2024
Freeville, NY

You're invited to join us for a Cover Crop Breeding Field Walk!

The Cover Crop Breeding Network breeds fall-sown cover crops for traits like fall emergence, winter survival, spring vigor, high biomass, hard seed, and non-shattering pods

Join us to walk the trial fields, talk about what we're seeing (and not seeing), hear about past years' results, and learn about CCB lines approaching commercialization.

Advanced line trials - Crimson clover, hairy vetch, winter pea, and winter canola

Planting date trials - Cereal rye and winter pea

Breeding nurseries - Cereal rye and winter pea (across the road & optional!)

View Cover Crop Breeding Field Walk Details

Meat Your Farmer 2024

May 2, 2024 : Meat Your Farmer 2024
East Aurora, NY

This event brings together livestock farmers and the community to learn about local bulk meat sales and to taste recipes created for NYS schools, featuring meats from local farms. We are currently looking for farmers to participate in the event!

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Western NY Value-Added Dairy Discussion Group: Jess May- Farm Credit East Webinar

May 2, 2024

We will start our Value-Added Dairy Processing discussion group series with a guest speaker from Farm Credit East. On May 2nd at noon, Jess May will join us to discuss the lender's point of view for on-farm processing and diversification. This is free to join and will be recorded.

View Western NY Value-Added Dairy Discussion Group: Jess May- Farm Credit East Webinar Details


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